Water Management Data & Forecast

30-Day Water Flow/Storage Data for Morrow Point and Blue Mesa Reservoirs
Morrow Point Reservoir Data
The past 30-day plot of historic water management data for Morrow Point Reservoir. Data provided by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation.
Blue Mesa Reservoir Data
The past 30-day plot of historic water management data for Blue Mesa Reservoir. Data provided by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation.
Latest Status Report

Last Updated: July 8, 2020
Aspinall Unit Reservoirs – As of July 6, 2020 releases from Crystal Dam are approximately 1,650 cfs. Gunnison Tunnel diversions for irrigation season are increasing each week and as of today UVWUA is diverting 1,050 cfs through the Gunnison Tunnel. The capacity of the Gunnison Tunnel is approximately 1,150 cfs. Flows in the Black Canyon are about 675 cfs.
The most recent forecast (July) for unregulated inflow during the water supply period (April through July) is projecting Blue Mesa will receive 390,000 af (58 percent of average).
Blue Mesa is not projected to fill this year based on the most recent inflow forecast. On July 6, 2020, the elevation of Blue Mesa was 7490.82 feet above sea level corresponding to a live storage of 587,700 af (71 percent of capacity). The elevation of Blue Mesa is now decreasing each day as releases are greater than inflows. The peak elevation of Blue Mesa occurred on June 19th when the elevation was 7492.87 feet when the storage in Blue Mesa Reservoir reached 603,855 acre-feet (72.8 percent of full capacity).
The unregulated inflow volume in June to Blue Mesa was 140,000 af (54 percent of average). Unregulated Inflow volumes forecasted for Blue Mesa for the next three months (July, August and September) are projected to be: 47,000 af (40 percent of average), 37,000 af (59 percent of average) and 30,000 af (79 percent of average), respectively. The July 24-Month Study is reflective of these new forecasts. The April through July forecasted most probable unregulated inflow volume to Blue Mesa is 390,000 af (58 percent of average). The 2020 water year forecasted unregulated inflow volume is 628,800 af (66 percent of average).